Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How significant do you think the impact of the mass media is on your worldview?

When it comes down to mass media, I would say it has a huge significant impact in our modern culture. How huge you may ask? Well, definitely more than girls screaming for One Direction. Mass media keeps us up to date with important events and most importantly notify us what are the expected norms of society and how one is expected to behave. With that being said, without mass media, I would not be able to function how I would today. Nowadays, mass media is a daily and very important necessity for people. As mentioned in lecture, media comes in different forms such as magazines, commercials, newspaper and etc.  Let’s be honest, I get most of my updates globally, and locally through the internet. Don’t lie, you do too. There is no way you guys are sitting at home waiting every night to watch the 10 o clock news. It appears that people want what is convenient for them. That said one is able to access all the information they want in anytime.
Along with the internet, it comes with networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Being in University for four years now, I have not kept in touch with most of my high school friends. With Facebook making it easy to stalk, it helps me stay connected and know what’s been going on in their life. As well with twitter, that is how I feel connected with celebrities even though they do not know me. The media has made our lives more public, for example celebrities are constantly always in the public eye. You will always hear what the latest trend they are wearing is or what they are up to. Just like Facebook, we can easily stalk friends or even if it’s someone you met randomly at the club.
Mass media has done a great job in portraying images of what is considered in style and what is out. It’s advertised by several of ways but they have people to do their dirty work and that’s through celebrities. For you men, if you saw a commercial by LeBron James advertising shoes, that would have you talking… would it not? Ladies, don’t deny but we look up what celebrities are wearing and their styles and look up to them.
Overall, as time goes by, it is apparent that mass media has affected us one way or another. Whether it’s being updated by news, or being connected to friends, and or even keeping up with the trends, we rely on it to function in our everyday life.  

 - xo Ingga

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